
Cold Therapy

Embrace the Power of Cryotherapy: Where Cold Becomes Your Ally

Imagine stepping into a chamber filled with invigoratingly cold air and emerging feeling energized, with reduced pain and improved circulation. This isn’t a scene from a superhero movie – it’s the reality of Cryotherapy, a revolutionary treatment offered right here in Vista.

***Please Be Advised Cryo Chamber will open on May 15th

Cold Therapy

The Science of Cold:

Cryotherapy utilizes extremely cold temperatures (typically ranging from -110°C to -200°C) to deliver a range of benefits for your body and mind:

Reduced Pain & Inflammation:

The intense cold triggers the body’s “fight-or-flight” response, leading to the release of endorphins, natural painkillers that can alleviate pain associated with injuries, arthritis, and chronic conditions. Additionally, cryotherapy helps reduce inflammation throughout the body, promoting faster recovery and improved mobility.

Enhanced Circulation:

Exposure to extreme cold initially constricts blood vessels, followed by a surge of blood flow as your body rewarms. This “vascular gymnastics” improves overall circulation, delivering essential nutrients and oxygen to your tissues while promoting the removal of waste products.

Increased Energy Levels:

Cryotherapy can stimulate the release of norepinephrine, a neurotransmitter that enhances alertness and focus. This surge of energy can leave you feeling revitalized and ready to tackle the day.

Potential for Improved Mood & Reduced Stress:

The cold exposure, combined with the release of endorphins, can have a positive impact on mood and stress levels. Cryotherapy may be a helpful tool in managing symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Muscle Recovery & Performance Enhancement:

Athletes swear by cryotherapy for its ability to accelerate muscle recovery after strenuous workouts. The reduced inflammation and improved circulation can help athletes bounce back faster and potentially reach peak performance levels.
Beyond the Benefits

A Safe and Supportive Cryotherapy Experience in Vista

Our state-of-the-art Cryotherapy chamber in Vista is designed to provide a safe and comfortable experience. The duration of the treatment is typically short, ranging from 2-5 minutes. Our friendly staff will guide you through the process and ensure you receive the most effective treatment.